Wednesday, March 31, 2010


E & I NEVER co-slept.

I never let her sleep with me & M*, not even when she was a few days old.

I think it is horrible habit for infants & toddlers; and It is a hard one to break. I believe strongly in building their independence & self-esteem.

We slept in the same room until she was about 6 mons old but never in the same bed. She started sleeping, all night, at 3 weeks old. So I never worried about getting enough sleep, thus giving into letting her sleep with/on me, as most do. I was very blessed as I was a full-time senior in college, in my last semester.

As a new mother of course I LOVED when my newborn fell asleep on my chest like a little froggy while I rocked her, or while I watched TV but I would only let her sleep there for so long before I laid her IN HER CRIB/bassinet. I wanted her to wake up in her own space. I wanted her to be familiar with that space, starting out young.

I never had an issue with laying her in her bed and getting HW done or a shower in, b/c she was used to sleeping in there. So if I needed to do a test or was in desperate need of a shower and tummy time/ swing/ bouncy seat wasn't going to cut it the crib was always her comfort zone. I think that is partially why she is such a wonderful sleeper now. She sleeps 12-13 hrs a night and takes 2, 1.5-2hr naps A DAY! EVERY DAY. That wonderful sleeping started at 3wks old.

I think they should sleep in their own bed, for many reasons. Not only does it help build self -esteem & confidence it gives them a since of "this is mine" & comfort, as well as independence.

Don't get me wrong. I am not ice cold. We have our AM cuddles- E-V-E-R-Y single AM. I get her up change her and then we cuddle in mama & dada's bed. Sometimes w.a movie or NickJr... Sometimes with a book. Sometimes we just talk and I let her drink her milk. She is a super cuddler though, I would lay there forever if I could, but I have school and (event hough I am temp. staying with the in-laws) house work as well as lots of playing.

Co-Sleeping also takes away from intimate (not just sex) time from mommy & daddy. It also endangers the child, no matter how "withit" you are, you can accidently roll over on your child, etc.

I am against co-sleeping for many reasons.

I have raised a well adjusted, happy, healthy, INDEPENDENT 2 year old (in 4 days- ek!). I am happy with the decision I made to no co-sleep & when M & I decide to have another child I will no co-sleep with him/her either.


*She sleeps with M & I every now and again (she is almost 2) for a few hours if she is having a rough night or isn't feeling well- never all night. She STARTS in her own bed & ENDS in her own bed. I can count on ONE hand the # of times this has happened.

see ya tomorrow for "Convo w/a Toddler"

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I honestly believe that people are put in your life for a reason.

Good and bad.

When I went home for SB, I had quite a few DRS apt (and beautification apts). The most important apt. I had was with my GYN.

For the past few MONTHS (yes mons, but I don't have DRs up here, Im just a student & you only see your GYN once a yr and figured on my visits home I would pop in and see him) I have been having intense, consistent & unbearable left ovarian pain (TMI?) I was concerned, I wanted to get it checked out to make sure it wasn't anything serious, or whatever it was could get taken care of. I was sick of the pain. Advil/Tylenol wasn't doing shit either. I had a toddler who doesn't understand "mommy doesn't feel good today, lets take it easy" Ha! yah right.

I went it and he did his exam and he "felt something"- he wanted to see what he was feeling so he ordered an U/S. After the U/S, I learned some news that wasn't particularly good news. I have endometriosis. You can't see that on an ultrasound unless its a high stage. I am not, so that is positive. But... left untreated my pain will get worse & it can cause infertility, it can aslo cut off blood flow to my left ovary, which apparently is doubly painful. Basically not what I wanted to hear. But then again atleast there is an action plan, right? It could be worse I suppose.

I will be having surgery this summer (June) to take care of my endo. While in his office I learned that my GYN also specializes infertility as well, so he will perform my surgery. Until then I am keeping a a pain log. Tacking when (date/time) I have pain w/a rating (1-10.. 1 least 10 worst) if It moves to the right to also note that as it is only on the left thus far.

If you've been reading me for a while you know how dead set I am on being a surrogate, well my GYN (whom delivered E) told me that surrogacy is not a good idea & that I shouldn't even consider doing it. That if after just one pregnancy [that I delivered vaginally] I developed endo. that being a surrogate I would prolly have complications (wether it be more endo. after the fact or other complications).

He said that most of his endo. patients (w/children) develop the endo. from c-sections, not vaginal deliveries. Endo. is basically a build-up of scar tissue, hence the c-section patients. I lost it at that point b/c I so badly want to be a surrogate. -- I just can't help a family have a baby now like I wanted, I feel like I have lost some thing. I have had this huge pit in my stomach. :(

I didn't take this well, but one of my blog friends , and hope one day an IRL friend, helped me deal with it. She herself is going though A LOT but she took the time to help me. SHE reached out & explained A LOT to me and just told me not to give up hope.

For that I am grateful. Words can't even describe it.

People like her are ANGELS WALKING THE EARTH.

To EVERYONE who tweeted, Txted, E-Mailed, FBed, Called & Visited me while I was going through this... THANK YOU, I learned who my real friends are.

I know it could've been way worse, I love all of you.


It feels good to be back.

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Not Mommy & Me Monday"

So today, as my "first day back" I decided to mix Not Me Monday & Mommy & Me Monday-- Thanks again to Hailey over @ Be Serious (which is where I got the idea for "NMM") for letting me steal borrow the idea ... She stole got the idea from Krystyn.



Mommy & Me Monday hosted by Krystyn. Here is what Mommy & Me Monday is all about...

Krystyn writes... "So, I am starting up a “Mommy and Me Monday.” I am challenging you to get at least a picture of yourself with you child, or children once a week. Then, on Mondays, you post that “Mommy and Me” picture with or without a story or fun anecdote about you and that child (not necessarily relating to the picture, just about you and the subject of that picture)."

Toddler giggles & snuggles! The best come from my twinniekin! Love her!



"Not Me Monday"

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. You can also check out Hailey @ Be Serious & see what she has not been up too.

-I did not almost miss my plane back to PA b/c OIA and all of its employee's are incompetent (I was there 2hrs before) and frantically search my purse for happy pills only to realize I left them in PA... THAT WAS not THE LONGEST 2.5 hours of my life!!

-I did not loose sleep for 3 nights STRAIGHT, along side my wonderful fiancee because our baby girl would scream every time she went anywhere close to her crib. I did not have to leave class early Thursday night because she has having a shitfit. It did not help that "mommy was home" I did not TRY EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN TO MAKE IT BETTER.

- I did not call the Dr. Friday morning in tears because 'SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MY DAUGHTER, WHO NORMALLY SLEEPS 12-13 HRS A NIGHT, NOW WON'T EVEN SLEEP 1!!!- PLEASE SEE US!' She did not have a DOUBLE EAR INFECTION- No fever was ever present or ear pulling. I am mother of the freaking year.

-I did not have & still have to FORCE I mean kindly give my unwilling to take oral meds child, ORAL MEDS. Its a battle that I DO NOT WIN every morning. I AM THE MOMMY- SHE IS SICK, THE RX COST ME $50 (w/insurance...) she WILL take it, that is that.

-I did not buy PEEPS and leave them open on the stove so they will get hard/crunchy... the only way to eat a peep I tell ya.

-I did not go tanning- again, even though it is sooooo bad for me. I am NOT in love. Okay I am. I will continue not to go till May. Maybe- I live in the NORTH the sun seems to have forgotten about us... :(

-I did not buy try on a 'romper' @ KOP yesterday and decide... I MUST HAVE ONE this season.


I am glad to be back.

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Monday, March 22, 2010

"Mommy and Me"

[still on "Hiatus" be back later this week... maybe. If not NEXT week for sure!]

This is different this my usual "Not Me Monday" but I did steal get the idea from Hailey over @ Be Serious (which is where I got the idea for "NMM")... who stole get the idea from Krystyn .

Enjoy this... I will be alternating this & "Not Me Monday" Gotta have some variety!

Welcome to Mommy & Me Monday hosted by Krystyn . Here is what Mommy & Me Monday is all about...

Krystyn writes... "So, I am starting up a “Mommy and Me Monday.” I am challenging you to get at least a picture of yourself with you child, or children once a week. Then, on Mondays, you post that “Mommy and Me” picture with or without a story or fun anecdote about you and that child (not necessarily relating to the picture, just about you and the subject of that picture)."

Me & my "twinykin" -- Don't mind my dark circles/ tired look, this is just 12hrs after being on a (veryyyy delayed) plane from PA to FL. We're @ Miss Mal's 3rd bday party!!


Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Happy Award"

Katie over @ From If to When did this a few weeks ago & she "awarded" it to anyone who wanted to do it.

[This is a pre-scheduled post, while I am on my SB hiatus- b/c I don't like the idea of my blog sitting stagnant for like 2 weeks.]


Here are the "rules":
1. Copy and paste the award.
2. Link to the person who sent it to you.
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Nominate other bloggers and stop by their blogs to let them know.


1. My beautiful daughter & watching her learn/grow DAILY- She really is all I need to smile. Hearing her say "Mommy" or "Mama" does it for me. Her dialect is getting so advanced & she really is developing more & more of her own personality lately that it blows my mind & I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that in 2.5 weeks she will be 2 y/o.

2. My wonderful fiancée- He is so supportive of my goals and dreams! He reminds me constantly (b/c I need to hear it) that: "We're in this together" - We've been friends for close to 4 years now, Ive been in love with him nearly that long [sign number 5,976,753,964,540,143 I shouldn't have married GD - I digress] we're not perfect, no one is but, I am so lucky to get to marry one of my bestfriends. Not to mention what a great father he has been to E. I couldn't have asked for a better daddy. God choose him. We might not have created her together, but he was meant to be her daddy [Thx Elizabeth!!! ]

3. My Family- I wouldn't be the person I am today w/o them. I LOVE my family so much. Being in PA makes me realize how much I really do miss & love them. MG just turned 5, Des is 10 gong on 25, Lukers is almost 3! Missy is pregnant w.Ellie!! I hate not being around for all of this. E misses her "wuke" & Mila & Des. Not to mention her other friends... "Malwory" & "Pia". She hasn't even met little Scarlett. I grew up around a lot of family (blood & church) I want that for her & M is not a baptist and refuses to go to a Baptist church & I don't want to go alone so In PA I don't go to church. I worship alone. I miss the feeling I get from being in Gods house and the uplifting message I get from service. I will be home for good soon. I. Hope.

4. The Color Purple- It's my all time fave. Since Oct my nails have been [almost black] PURPLE. I love it. I search for purple clothing of any kind, if its a good deal, I usually buy it. I am not bias on the shade either, although the darker the better.

5. My favorite show... Mercy- It's full of Laughs & WIN. I like the Good Wife & Criminal Minds too. -- Actually I have a huge LIST (im a list maker... obsessed actually, since HS) of ALL the MANY shows I watch. Its SAD, Im not gunna lie. I have, NO. LIFE. It all started when i was put on bed-rest when I was pregnant OVER 2yrs ago!!

6. The Tanning Bed- As bad as as it is for me I am [slightly] addicted. Esp. now that Im in PA its def. a necessity.

7. Reading- I love it. I am a Kindle mommy. I have red tons on my Kindle. I have Kindle on my iPhone (not a huge fan, too small). I love actual print books too. Certain authors I HAVE to buy in print. I don't read as much as used to/ would like to anymore .

8. Sudoku- The ONLY thing w.numbers I enjoy. Also stared while I was pregnant, or slightly before. I can't remember. I like to do it before bed to wind down... which is when I used to read!!! Theres the culprit.

9. A good cup of coffee [homemade or coffeeshop]- I am a fan- I am not real picky about where it comes from. I have to have 1-2 cups a day or I am a total bitch. I get a raging migraine. Yes. Even If I drink a 2-liter. Coffee is different. I love coffee a night & NO it will not keep me up. I am lucky? or cursed?

10. SUNSHINE- I am from FL. I worship it. I MISS it. It is beautiful, it makes me smile.

**Like Katie, If you want to do this, I pick YOU!!!, what makes YOU happy?**

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Monday, March 15, 2010

"And the winnerS are..."

The two winners are: by draw:

Lelia over @ This Journey We Call Life ... She will receive the adorable 4 Tea Cups-


Hayley over @ Blue Eyed Blonde ... She will receive the Magnets-


Age: twenty-three
Bed size: NOT big enough
Chore I hate: putting laundry away
Dog's name: My parents dog's name is Dallas (we dont have one right now)
Essential to start my day: "Mama..." Go get E...get her milk and cuddle for twenty-minutes, Oh yah and COFFEE
Favorite color: Purple 
Gold or silver: Silver
Height: 5'1
Job: Stay-at-home-mommy and Grad student
Kids: E, 23 mons
Living arrangements: Miserable
Mom's name: Lorena "Lori"
Nickname: Kelli-Sue, KS, KelBel, Kel, Mama
Overnight hospital stay: A few times when I had food posing, and when E was Born
Pet peeve: loud eaters, rude people & stuff along those lines
Quote from a movie: "Just keep swimming" -Nemo
Right or left handed: Right
Siblings: Destiny-10 Jessica- 21 & Alicia- 26
Time I wake up: About 6 when Ms alarm goes off and we doze in and out and cuddle till 645/50 when he gets up to get ready then about 7 when E gets up
Unique thing about my car: Um? it has been it a lot of states...
Vegetable I hate: Lettuce
Ways I run late: Usually b/c of E was always early to things before she came along
X-rays I've had: Quite a few
Yummy food I make: Homemde pizza, Chezit Chicken are my two favs
Zoo favorite: Elephants


Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Friday, March 12, 2010


As most of you know I am in graduate school, a perk? Spring Break.

I am going back home to FL (Thank God!), to visit my family (& friends) for 12 days. I miss them so much.

I will be going to TWO birthday parties: Miss Mal is 3 (So excited to see Ash & Mal) & My niece is 5!! Going to eat TONS of JJ girls- Getting my hair & nails done (long overdue)- Going to see my Dr to make sure my cyst isn't back- Spending time family- booking my church for my WEDDING (for June of 2011- I know its advanced but June is the peak of wedding season and venues book fast!!) I am so excited to be going home.

Needless to say I will not be blogging. I have 1-2 scheduled little nothing blogs set.

I have a HUGE paper, also known as "The Monster" if you follow my Tweets you've seen me mention it, due RIGHT AFTER SPRING BREAK! Its one of TWO grades in one of my classes, so I am super stressed. I am almost done but its not done yet.

I will announce the winner of my giveaway during my "Hiatus" -- Normally I am more organized but w/school and my trip I have been frazzled, beyond belief.

I am sorry to those who have entered, I feel like I have failed and let my readers down. :( but, Life happens and I know yall know that. My family & school come before the blog. I love yall so much though.

I should be back in the swing of things the week of March 29th (Maybe sooner depending on how life goes).


I will miss you guys.

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Convo w/a Toddler"

E is like a little person now. Yes I know that is what happens when they grow but she is all about using cutlery and such. She was nvr interested, I would try to get her to used a fork and spoon and she would say no and use her adorably chubby fingers. She didn't like bowls or plates, she would take her food out/off them. Then one day she asked for a fork I said okay and she used it, correctly & the same with a spoon & bowls/plates. I mean she still spills things off her spoon b/c she is a lefty and has issues and tilts the spoon a little too much right before her mouth but she is learning & I am proud. She talks so much & well, repeating EVERYTHING (good & bad) you say. Thus far in her 23mons of life this is my new favorite (minus the "episodes") stage.

During Snack time yesterday (Nemo was on, surprised?):

She ate a good (for her) lunch so I promised during snack time some chips & a juice box (not a sippie cup)- Girl loves her juice boxes.

-I give her few chips and her juice box-
E: NOOO mama!!
Me: Whats wrong E? You know we use inside voices.
E: bow chipies Peeese mama bow. (bow=bowl)
Me: [I had totally spaced & forgotten to grab a small kiddie bowl for her chips] You would like a bowl for your chips?
E: Peeese. yes.
Me: Okay. I can do that. I am sorry I forgot.
E: [Smiles & shakes her head]
Me: Did you drink any juice box?
E: juiceee box! Awpple! Awpple!
Me: Very good, there is an apple on your juice box. Is that good juice? [setting the bowl down]
E: E do it!!! E doooo it mama!! [She wanted to put her chips in the bowl]
Me: Okay you can do it, youre a big girl
E: yesss mama [throws her arms up to show me how big she is]
M: What do you say when someone gives you something?
E: Cank You.
-A few minutes later...
E: Mama I all wet!!!!
Me: [I look over and she had dumped half her juice box all over herself!! I laugh to myself] Oh honey! Lets go change your clothes.
E: Yah I all wet, yucky! [makes some gesture with her hands and sticks out her tongue]
Me: Its okay just a little sticky
E: Skicky Skicky!!! I help wash?
Me: yes you can help clean it up after we wash you up.

She is becoming very Independent & wanting to do EVERYTHING by herself. It is great but somethings she needs mama's help & she doesn't understand that & that is when we have what I have decided to call our "episodes"-- I like that better then tantrums.


Thank Goodness Tomorrow's Friday--

I better get packing... I leave for FL tomorrow! Ek.

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Baby Fever"

photo courtesy of eunice915 via Flickr

As the mother of a toddler who will be 2 years old in about 3wks, I am asked by many [strangers & family alike] "Do you have the fever yet?"

The fever? What the heck are talking about? Then when I was ogling a little baby at the store and the mother looked at me and said, "My son was about the age of yours [motioning towards E] when it hit me, I got baby fever! I had to have another" "Shes two right?"

Stunned, I noded my head. the difference in a few weeks didn't matter to this stranger. I would never see her again.

"As soon as I had this one I put my son in 1/2 day preschool so this one would get me all to herself for 1/2 day, its only fair b/c my son had me all to his self."

My initial thoughts were "Why in the heck is this woman telling me all of this?" Then I remembered What it was like with a newborn. How lonely it can get. Her cart was empty, she was here just to get out of the house and she jumped at the chance to talk to the first person who 1) ogled her baby too long or 2) looked nice enough to talk to her and she supposed that was me. Passers by probably thought we were old friends catching up.

I do not by any means have baby fever. Sure [in time] I want another child. I want to be more financially stable and OUT OF SCHOOL. I want to have been married for a little while as my marriage will be different then most as I come with a wonderful addition. I want to get into a grove as a family unit before we go & start trying to expand our family.

I had a beautiful pregnancy, with a few hiccups. I was put on 'suggested' bedrest in the middle of my 2nd trimester because my daughter was no growing due to the high level of stress [GD walking out, moving home, divorce] in my life. Followed by not being allowed to drive because I was so as big around as I was tall [5'1] and my belly hit the steering wheel- so unsafe. Then in the last few weeks there was mandated bedrest because the baby girl in my belly was so tiny. I was never sick and I loved sustaining that life within me. I most defiantly want to do it again, I have found my soulmate, just not because my daughter is two.

People say baby fever strikes because when your child reaches two years old "they don't need you anymore"- That is complete bull. My little one needs mama all the time. I am enjoying this stage. The actual conversations, eating of real people food, wanting to be just like mama and most importantly sleeping all night long.

I don't miss getting up every few hours for feedings, taking a humongous diaper bag filled to the brim with the whole house with me for a quick trip to the store, not knowing what s/he needs because s/he can't tell me.

This stage is great, as my daughter needs me in a different way then she did before. She is learning how to do all the things that us adults take for granted everyday. Like go to the potty use a fork and spoon, drink from a big girl cup and not a sippie cup, and dress herself. All these things are taught things. Not things that just happen. We also work on reading and counting and our animal sounds and body parts.

Growing up I always said I wanted my children to be close (2-3 years) in age, but when your 12 years old you don't expect life's curve balls. I will ogle babies in stores. Or even better friends and family's babies. I will look back on my not so little one's first year scrap book and reminisce on those days and then I will go sleep all night.

Being a toddler is hard work, being a toddlers mommy is even harder work.


I hope you entered my giveaway to win funsies. Its NOW closed.

I don't think I will do anymore giveaways. I have done a few in the past and the response was much better. Did yall just not like this one? any feed back would be lovely.

I will do the drawing in a few days and announce the winner on the blog- as well as contact them individually. I hope you left an EMAIL ADDRESS like asked. You have 24hrs (if you did not leave one to get in contact with me to claim prize).

Tomorrow is Thursday... Convo w/a Toddler. I just love giving yall a peek into the special little day to day things that we do/say & the awesome connection I have w.E

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


photo courtesy of Getty Images

I was always told when I was younger, one day Kelli when you have a child you are gunna get this back TWOFOLD...

I never believed it. But oh boy am I getting it back.

My sweet loving, cuddly baby girl has morphed into a back-talking, bad listener, no really, brick-wall listens better then her.

I ask her not to do something & she looks right at me as SHE DOES IT or vica versa.

She screams... A lot, for no reason.

She says "No mama" & runs away from me like its going out of style.

The floor gets more action from her food then her mouth. Its really ridiculous.

Time-out is her second home.

She gives a new meaning to temper tantrums.

I don't like yelling, really working on not doing it as much anymore, but by golly- shes not making it any easier!

I've heard of the "terrible-2s". I've even joked about the T2 in this here blogy. -- but guess who's NOT 2 yet!!!

But this is completely different from anything I have bloged about before. I don't know where my precious baby went...

I was talking to my mom about this the other day telling her about all of this and what do I hear on the other end of the line...?


Yes laughing. No lie. WTH.

She said "I don't mean to laugh, but this is what I told you about, you're getting it back. This is paybacks, my daughter"

I hope this is not a pre-preview of her teens. If it is I will be the sole reason Xanax (or by then there will be something way better and STRONGER) is in business...

B/C ladies lets be honest... Wine and back rubs from the man of the house only goes so far...

Just like anything we have GOOD days and when shes good shes GREAT! but then there's the BAD days... I fear the BAD days like I fear dooms day. Im serious. They are bad from the time she opens her little baby blues till the time mama & dada lay her down at 8:05/8:10. Its 11hrs of sheer torture. There are days that I try my darnedest to turn a bad day around and sometimes I am successful, but usually only for a few hrs, never all day.

I am patient, I am actully one of the most patience people I know. I am in graduate school for EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT (ages 4-3rd grade) & SPECIAL EDUCATION (children w.special needs) that takes PATIENCE!

But some days I feel like I am a horrible mother I just cry myself to sleep. M didn't know that I cry, b/c those nights I turn away from him, till this morning when I broke down to him. He rubbed my hair (that ALWAYS makes me feel better) & told me it was going to be okay & that we are in this together & that I am doing a great job w.her.

I know parenting is not an easy job, I didn't expect it to be, but some days ARE easier then others.


Have you entered my giveaway to win funsies HERE ? Its ONLY open for ONE more day!! --You can get up to 4 entries... In my opinion I am giving away adorable SPRINGY things!

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Not Me Monday"

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. You can also check out Hailey @ Be Serious & see what she has not been up too.

-I did not forget/not care about the Oscars so when my lovely fiancee told me Brothers & Sisters wouldn't be on, I did not check the TV guide just to be sure... I HATE AWARDS SHOWS!

-I did not have to change my childs clothes multiple times this weekend b/c she thought playing in her 'furry cousin' puggles water bowl was fun- It's NOT fun its disgusting, es wen shes mixing his food in there too.

- I did not trash talk the Office Max & Office Depo chicks to the Kinkos guy... b/c they are retarded & can't OPEN A JPEG! I have way too much class to do that. Any ways KINKOS is not WAYYY Cheaper!

-I did not have a blast watching my beautiful ALMOST, not quite there but THINKS she is 2 year old play with chalk Saturday b/c it was over 50* out!! She did not try to draw on the grass, b/c if this draws on the driveway "why not the gwass mama?"

-I did not buy People Magazine w.Jake & Sausage on the cover...I am not that interested in that drama... I can not believe someone who lives 15mins from MY hometown won... I can't believe he is doing DWTS!! He DID make a colossal mistake!

-I did not go tanning on Friday & love every second of it & I am not going again today or tomorrow... I did not get a month of unlimTans-- now why would I do that? No I am NOT addicted- again.

-I did not buy a sleeveLESS DRESS @ Target, I know I live in a place where 50* is considered "Warm-front" but it was cute, PURPLE & on sale. Its already on the list for SB in FL...(4days)


Giveaway blog closes WED... have you entered?
**You dont have to have a blog to enter, just a valid email address**

See ya tomorrow-

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Friday, March 5, 2010

"Blog Exercise"

This is great! I I got it from JessCaylor over @ Random Rantings, last week.

We as women are so negative and down on ourselves I think this is a good activity to help us think more positively about ourselves.

I'll start, you should follow.

First, we are going to name 3 physical traits that we actually like about ourselves. Then, we are going to name 3 talents we have. Next, we'll state 3 accomplishments we are proud of. After that, we will name 3 personality traits or qualities of ours we are glad we have. And last, we will name 3 people that we know love us unconditionally -- faults, insecurities and all.

3 Physical Traits:
1. Im short (I actually like that)
2. My eyes
3. My shoulders

3 Talents:
1. Baking/cooking (im not bad if I do say so)
2. Dancing (classical & freesyle)
3. Freestyle writing

3 Accomplishments:
1. Graduating college Bachelors & going back for my Masters
2. Being a GREAT mommy under the circumstances
3. Never giving up, period

3 Personality traits or qualities:
1. Im personable
2. Im dependable
3. Im Open minded

3 People that love me undonditionally:
1. Mom
2. Matt
3. Emmy
4.God (I had to add an extra!)


Hope you have a great Friday!

Have you entered the giveaway?

Thx for sticking by me for 200... I hope I can make 400!!

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Convo w/a Toddler"

Disney has some phenomenal animated (and non) movies for children. Thats one of their trade marks along w.Mickey and its theme parks. So it was no surprise to me when little miss fell hard for "Finding Nemo" ( apparently my friend's daughter is in love w/Nemo as well , she is about 4 mons older then E).

I was going through my DVD's and found: Finding Nemo, Lilo & Stitch, Cars & a few others and decided one snowy day we would have a Disney-a-thon (I have all the classics on VHS). She when movies or TV is on in out house E won't sit on her hiney and just watch, she plays and runs around too. Well This was the order in which they were viewed: CARS, L&S and Nemo...

No others were views as we HAD TO WATCH "EMO" (nemo) again:

-As Nemo was ending...:

E: NOOO!! Emo [almost in tears] more mama more!!
Me: You would like to watch Nemo again?
E: Peeese mama
Me: [I hadn't reaize she had liked it so much, as she was playing or so I though through the whole movie] You would like to watch Nemo again?
E: [hands me the DVD remote] Emo!
Me: Would you like to watch this movie instead? [showing her Peter Pan, the last Disney DVD I had pre-baby]
E: No [shakes her head] Emo!
Me: Would you like to watch Lilo & Stitch? [She was very content during that one as we were eating breakfast during that one]
E: No titch mama... Emo! Peeeseee!!! Emmy wants Emo!!
Me: E we just watched that. I think we should watch something else.
E: Emo dada! Oh no! .:Gasps:. [she said/did this at the point in the movie when Nemo is separated from his dad by the diver & still does...]
Me: Yes Nemo lost his daddy
E: Oh no!! Emo more peese mama!
M: I will put it on till you have to take a nap, deal?
E: Deal

So all in all she won. She was STRONG in her conviction that she wanted to watch Emo again. haha. We still watch it 2 sometimes 3 times per day. oy.

She loves Lilo & Stitch (the series more then the movie) not as much, but likes it none the less, so I try to rotate them, b/c I love L&S, b/c I want to live in Hawaii one day. I love it there.


Thank Goodness Tomorrow's Friday--

Have you entered my giveaway to win funsies HERE ? Its open for ONE week. You can get up to 4 entries... I think I am giving away adorable SPRINGY things! check it out & enter

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Today is THE day!"

Yup- I hit 200 today!! Ive been Hinting towards this day since last week! & Here we are!

I feel like there should be streamers and noise makers! (!!!)

Thank you soo much to all my wonderful freaders!

Yall make this so much [more] worth it.

I surpassed my 2 YEAR blogaversary and didn't even realize it! .:GASP:. [Feb. 4 2008]

So in HONOR of 2yrs of [my] senselessness and 200 posts...

I am going to do a little giveaway...

I am going to be giving TWO lucky readers via --TWO different funsies...

1) A set of 6 Glass Pebble Magnets... They a bright & colorful & remind me of SPRING since spring is right around the corner!!


2) 4 colorful, adorable SPRINGY tea/coffe cups. These are great for an afternoon of gossip w/the ladies, what?! Don't lie you do that! or Sunday brunch.

All you have to do to enter is leaving a comment telling me which you would prefer (most are going to want the mugs I am sure-- but the magnets are fun too! They come in a little travel tin) & why. Also leave a valid e-mail address in your comment so if you win I can contact you for your address to send you your funsie.

To get (3) extra entries:
-Follow Kandid Kelli (leave a comment letting me know when you are/if you already do)
-Tweet about this giveaway and leave a comment w.the link to the tweet
-Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment w.the link to the blog

Easy as pie.

**YOU CAN NOT WIN THEM BOTH. If Ramdom.Org picks you twice I will generate again.**

This giveaway will be open for ONE WEEK, so till WEDNESDAY MARCH 10 @ 10:00a (PA time)-- yes AM... but I am giving my west coast readers a week to enter.

Goodluck my freaders... I love all your faces!

Heres to 200 more!

See ya back tomorrow...

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"The Story"

Okay okay!! So I have been asked via DM, Txt (for those who know me IRL), FB msg, IM, etc... for the proposal story.

"Its been like 2 weeks! I can't believe there hasn't been a blog about it yet!"


"Pictures of the ring... PUH-Lease!!!"

Is about what I am hearing.

I have been waiting to get my ring back from the jewelers, I got it back last night! (!!!) I wear a very small size 4, and it took them about 2 weeks to size it properly. The woman took M & I that she has been in that store for 7 yrs and no one has ever had such a small finger...haha.

He did it February 14, 2010- yes Valentines Day. Scoff if you will, but he wanted to do it before then, he had the ring 2 weeks prior, but with the weather not cooperating (screw snow) he couldnt wait any longer... haha. I had just gotten home from DE- I went with his family for the weekend to their other house to check for damage from the two blizzards. We were bickering about him going and peaking at his gift while I was gone.

I assume I was right and that he did peek, so I just tossed it at him kind of ... and after he opened the new sneakers I got him he looked at me and said

Him: you cant have yours yet, i'm gunna finish cooking
Me: okay I NEEED internet, after none this weekend...can you get my headphones for me? Him: yah

He got them for me and gave me my card it was a silly noise card I laughed and said thank you ( as a rule of thumb, we dont do sappy cards) and then he kissed me and took my hand, he was kneeling next to me...

Me: What are you doing?
Him: Kelli I love you, Will you Marry me?
Me: I giggled and then said "Yes"

He then put the ring on my finger. Then I glanced at the TV and looked at him & I said "How romantic... during the Daytona 500"

That's when he got upset and told me he has had the ring for over two weeks and it wasn't planned this way or even ON VALENTINES DAY AT ALL, but with the way the weather had been acting he had no idea when it would stop and when he would be able to give it to me, so he figured that was as good of time as any.

We have set a date for June 2011 & have a tentative location for the ceremony and a few locations in mind for the reception, I am going to make sure that location for the ceremony is available when I go home for SB in 2 weeks. I know its very advanced but June books quickly- wedding season!

I have asked a few ppl to be in the wedding & M & I have picked our colors. Beyond that there has been NO PLANNING. I have plenty of time (and a GREAT MOH)... well over a year.

So thats the story. Nothing spectacular- but I love it. It was perfect for us.

Here are a few iPhone pics... [My cam is dead] I hope these suffice lovahs!

I am sure as the wedding nears you all will be kept in the loop.


I am going to hit the B-I-G 200 THIS week!

Keep checking back to find out what day is the big day... b/c I am doing a giveaway!! woo!!

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Not Me Monday"

***The answer from Forealsies Friday: I HAVE NOT BEEN TO ALL 50 STATES, THERE FOR I CAN NOT HAVE A MAGNET FROM EACH... - SADFACE*** Thank you all for playing, that is why I love your faces!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. You can also check out Hailey @ Be Serious & see what she has not been up too.

-I did not eat a box a raisins like I was taking a shot on my way to class last week while txting & drinking coffee while it was snowing, I am a class act.

-I did not go to bed every night last week before 1030... I did not tell M that I think I am going to make it a habit b/c I felt great every AM I was not nearly as tired when E got up before the butt-crack of dawn.

- I did not love laying on the couch cuddling with my doodlebug during 'quiet time' whilst watching "Finding Nemo" E's favorite movie... Kill me now.

-I did not go in to Target for a few (3) things and left with a cartful & an empty wallet I have much more self control then that.

-I did not get out of the car at my sister-in-laws for her husbands birthday party and slip on snow/ice and bust my butt... in front of a house full of people, in turn getting all gross and muddy. Yuck. Screw you snow!

-I did not take a bath in the middle of the day Sunday while M was changing my oil & E was napping. It felt nice.

-I did not talk/gasp at the TV during Bro/Sis on ABC Sun night... Love that show!!


On a completely different note...

I have read TWO completely UNRELATED blogs... One from Alabama & one from NJ & both were about how a friend (tow different people) committed suicide. This is heart-wrenching. My friend Crystal took her life in HS, she was a SR when I was a freshman, she had so much going for her as did these two. My sister has attempted it 4 times. Nothing is worth taking your own life...

If you feel helpless like there is no way out... there is.

The people @ HopeLine are remarkable they are there 24/7... 1-800-SUICIDE

To the two BLOGGERS who wrote... I don't want to call you out, but I am here to talk if you NEED anyone/thing. You both know how to get in touch The friends & family are the ones left behind and the ones left with the hurt.


I can not believe I am going to hit the B-I-G 200 THIS week!

Keep checking back to find out what day is the big day... b/c I am doing a giveaway!! woo!!

Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , are we friends?


Kandid Kelli

What did you NOT do this week? ADD it in... Go to the BLOG to do it though...