Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Who I am [right now]"

I got this idea from Erin, you can check out Who She is, Right Now, here.


Right Now, I Am...

Anxious. About my up coming move. I am not sure what my/our future holds. I am not a fan of uncertainty.

Missing warmth & sunshine. I guess in places that actually have all 4 seasons, May is Spring & in sprin it only warms a bit from Winter... which is the crappiest season, ever. Summer doesn't start till June 21st- Well I am a FL girl. Anything that isn't dec/jan is supposed to be warm & by warm I mean NOT 40s, like it was HERE LAST WEEK- gross (its 50* today)!

Enjoying being out of school for Summer. I normally would be taking a full 'summer' load but since I am moving states and schools; I am going to enjoy this summer with my pretty, who is growing all too quickly.

Procrastinating. On packing. I was looking around & I forgot how much there is too pack & IDK how it happens but in the 5.5 mons I've been here Ive acquired more crap, plus E's crib that was shipped here will not be shipped back, it will be broken down and packed, in the U-Haul. So much to do in a MONTH. ek.

Drinking in my daughter. We play some silly games during the day, but I love every second. She learns, grows and matures so fast & I don't want to miss one second of it. Yesterday we played [one] of her favs- We I drew shapes with chalk, she helps, by coloring them in, on the drive way & a white line: she stands behind the line & tosses a stone. Whatever shape the stone lands on she tells me what color & shape it is- Yes that is one of her fav games. We call it: E's Shapes. She almost never gets one wrong.

[heres what our 'game-board' looks like...]

Wishing PA/DE&FL could mesh. I know that everyone won't/can't be happy, and I hate that. When E&I move back to FL I am only half happy b/c 1/2 my heart & E's daddy will still be in PA, I will be elated b/c I will be with my families- biological and church & my friends who are like family. M will be miserable b/c his daughter and I will be gone, but he has a good job & his friends/family are here. I love M's family like they are my own, which in a yr they will be, once I leave I know they will miss us E, a lot, but I know they are ready to get their home back. But if I stayed to make all PA people happy not only would I remain unhappy (minus the fact my heart is complete) my family would also be unhappy. Why can't PA/DE & FL boarder each other? This sucks.

Actually reading for fun. During the semester I usually could find a little bit of time here and there, in between reading for class and HW & E, to read for fun but after Spring Break, forget it. Everything got c-r-a-z-y & I never had time. I just finished THIS book (yes Jess worth picking up again) & I have 2 on my Kindle I can't wait to read, I can't decide which I want to read first- DECISIONS, DECISIONS! I missed reading, for fun.

Wanting my hair to grow faster. I have always wanted to grow it, since I was 17 & it was longer, and then summers in FL come and I chop it off, its just too hot to deal w/my curly hair in humid FL. Them 'fall/winter' arrive I vow to grow it, but it gets to this weird length and I chop again. Well lucky? for me I am in PA yuck and I don't have my Mandi here, so no cutting for me for at least another month, maybe longer, so I can bypass this awkward stage & have a shot at growing it out? We shall see. I did pre-natals to help the process but it makes my nails grow to dang fast, and I don't have the funds to get them done more then once-a-month.

Wanting a pair of Reebok Easy Tones. I've gone as far as 'designing' a pair on the website, but I can't fathom paying THAT much for sneaks. I need to go to the mall and try a pair on to know exactly what size I would be, a 5.5 or 6- but haven't done that yet b/c I know that'll make my desire even worse. I do have a bday in 28days ::HINTHINT:: Honey I know you read my little blogy now.

Who are you right now?


Don't miss a beat, keep up in between posts, I Tweet , a lot.

-Kandid Kelli

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish my hair would grow faster, too. But just the hair on my head, because I get tired of shaving my legs every other day. Ugh! :)