Thursday, October 15, 2009


**Sorry I didnt post yesterday. I spent the day playing little angel. Thats all.**

Did you hear about the model fired by Ralph Lauren b/c she was "too fat" except she is 5'10 & ONLY 120lbs.

I am 5'1 and I weigh 119lbs so add 9in to me & you get her. She is beautiful, thin & healthy looking. She in NO way is 'too fat'. I think most runway models are sickly looking.

I bounce between a size 4 & 6 depending on where I get my clothes. According to the 'industry' I would be considered plus sized. According to myself I am fine. It has taken me YEARS to come to that realization. I have always struggled with my body image.

In HS I thought I was 'fat' & when I look back on pictures I realize I wasn't. But back then I was a dancer, & dancers are supposed to be TALL & THIN. Two things I was not. I am pear shaped, my dads entire family is pear shaped.

I personally nvr had an eating disorder. I knew numerous girls that did.

One girl I was close to in HS, we danced together, almost died from anorexia . I thought once I left for college that all of that nonsense would be done and over but boy was I wrong. My bestfriend & roommate struggled with a form of bulimia . She used to tell me she was gunna take a shower/bath and she would run the water (after we had junked out while watching a movie) and she would gag herself & purge. It was months till I caught on to what she was doing. She said she wasn't doing it to loose weight but she did it b/c of how she felt afterwards. She did it to relieve "pain" the same reason people cut themselves. So sad.

I have a daughter. I don't want her growing up thinking she has to be thin to be beautiful. TV, Movies & Magazines tell her differently. Its so sad. I will have to work [super] hard so she knows differently, its all how I raise her.

I have learned that I can not obsess about my weight [in front of her] b/c then she will learn to obsess about hers. I think thats where mine stems from; My mom was always wanting to drop 5 or 10lbs and so I was always hearing that as a kid. I will not do that to E. She will not hear me talking about my waistline in the kitchen.

America needs to see healthy models and a size 4+ should NOT be considered PLUS SIZED. Why do we even use the term Plus Sized anyways? I think thats ridiculous! Why does everything have to be categorized?


Don' forget I am giving away a [custom] piece of jewelry (check here for an idea) to the reader who comments the most throughout the month of Oct. -- I know that is a long time to run a "contest" but I hope since its custom that my readers will be more inclined to comment!!

The "contest" has started! Good luck & Happy Commenting! :)

**Limit... 2 comments per post, per person**

Thx for sticking with me [us]... the journey has just begun!


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1 comment:

The Urban Cowboy said...

Hey Urban Cowgirl, thanks for the link. I did reply to your email, maybe you didn't receive? Anyways, take care and happy trails to ya!