Monday, August 9, 2010

"Mommy & Me"

A quick update!!

VBS was amazing! I know I promised an update, but the next 2 wks are going to be C.R.A.Z.Y!- E has pre-Op b/c she has SURGERY to have tubes put in her ears b/c she gets constant ear infections, We found a place to live and we have all the fun stuff to do for all that (closing/move-in is in 2 wks) & My besties bday is the 19th & as of right now we are going up to see her! yay.

We play outside barefoot, alot. Here is a pic of our feet. xo

I will be in & out in the next 2 wks, bare with me please!


Keep up in between posts, I Tweet , A lot.

-Kandid Kelli

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