Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Interview #2...

Okay here we ago again... This tine from BFF Hayls... Ive known her since I was Emmy age...

If there was one thing in life you could change, what would it be, and why? My [sexual] background... you know why. enough said. and my lack of trying in school are tied.

What are you really looking forward to seeing in Emmy’s life? I know its cliche but everything. Every time she does something new and i see that excited look on her face or every time she crawls over to me to give me a hug/kiss thats what I live for.

What would be your dream job? Teaching 1-3rd grade sounds corny but the hours rock! 730-3 and I have Spring Break, Thanksgiving, Christmas, National Holidays, SUMMERS! So I can take & Pick Emmy up from school (she'll be at my school k-5) and I will be w.her on ALL holidays..its great!

What is your favorite memory with me? oh gosh! just one? One that sticks out in my mind was your Bday party during Hurricane Andrew! remember I got STUCK in my sleeping bag and your dad had to almost cut me out? and we all sat by the window by the front door and watched the hurricane (or the outter bands but we thought it was a hurricane...haha) I mean I have one for ever school we were in Middle school... how about in band when I was in the second row (i was still on clarinet) and I tired to pass you a note and i leaned to far over and fell into the front row an you acted like you had no idea what i was doing then you hit me upside the head after class and I can't pick just one for highschool or college are you kidding me?! yah right! haha!! WAY WAY TOO MANY!

If you could have any animal as a pet (if you don’t have to worry about the cost and housing), what would you get? Horses for sure! No doubt about it! and the stables would be in my backyard!


JB said...

I was alone in our house when a tornado hit on March 1, 2007...

JB said...

Dark Lover is the first book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series...

LOVE the new layout!