Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Life Isn't Always Easy"

Well hello there. I has been far too long since I have actually blogged.

Soo much has happened, since I last blogged. Applause to you if youre still following me.

Over the last almost 9 weeks, I have been navigating my way through a terrible break-up that I, nor anyone else, but T, saw coming.

I not only have been re-adjusting to single parenthood, again. But E has been adjusting to Mr. T not living here anymore.

Back when it first happened I had a lot of problems with E, she was crying over nothing at all, throwing huge temper tantrums, crying when I would drop her off and getting into trouble at school. After a parent/teacher conference I explained what was going on at home and since then her teachers have been a serious God send. I hit rock bottom the second week and I kid you not when I say a teacher from E's old school now works at her new school and I swear she is a legit angel. She showed-up at E's school right when she and I both needed to see a familiar friendly face.

Since "the break-up" I have:

  • gotten rid of facebook, and I could not be happier. It was a lot of un-needed stress. I have more time to spend with E and I "unplug & turn off" electronics once a week. 
  • Lost and gained back a lot of weight. I am working on getting that under control.
  • Finished classes, and looking forward to my internship in January.
  • Worked on myself as a whole. I feel I am a better mom and person. I will continue to work on me.
  • Took time for me, something I hadn't done in a while.
  • Started reading again & remembered how much I love it.
  • Started doing more projects with E & going more places alone w.E
  • Started subbing at a very prestigious private school, that I want to teach at, in my area. Its a great way to get known at the school & get my foot in the door.
  • I am working more hours/days at the office and working on my financials. Saving more, when I can and working out a budget. I didn't realize how much easier it is when there are 2 pay checks. Haha!
I am sure many of you are wondering the status of T and I. Well we are just friends. I have been wanting to work things out with him, but it has been nearly 9 weeks (!) and he says he still needs time. As of earlier this week I told T that we will remain friends and nothing more. I am ready to [try] and move on. Yes, I love him and would love to forget the past 9 weeks happened and get back together but I am not going to wait any longer. If it happens between us, it happens if not, then its his loss. 

I actually love myself, again. I have been doing a lot of soul searching and like I said I feel that I am a better person. 

Have any NICE single men in your life? Send them my way! 

I hope this is my return to blogging...? No promises. The other day I said I was over blogging but I think that blogging is one of those things that I stopped doing while I was with T and I am going to have to re-discover it.

If we were Facebook friends and I disappeared, I am sorry. Follow me on Twitter. I am still in that... a lot. Haha.

-Kandid Kelli

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Wordless Wednesday"

I love this crazy girl!!

-Kandid Kelli

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 10: 1 Picture"

This is the ONLY picture I have of just me since um June. This was taken a few weeks ago at the Zoo.

Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot. 

xo-Kandid Kelli 

Monday, October 10, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 9: 2 Songs"

1 - God Gave Me You. 

2 - Love Don't Run.

Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot. 

xo-Kandid Kelli 

Friday, October 7, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 8: 3 Films"

1 - The Lion King 3D 

2 - The Help

3 - Harry Potter 7.2

Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot. 

xo-Kandid Kelli 

"Friday Phone Dump"

*Keep in mind that I have over 1,000 pics on my phone and I just quickly picked some of my favorites.

This weeks featured pictures are more recent... Feb 2011- April 2011
-Look how tiny Lena is!
-My girl loves playing in the rain
-Slumber Parties are our favs
-Her and Mal are so cute

-Next week we will be moving right along... ahh the memories!
See ya then!

**Whats on YOUR phone?


Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot.
xo-Kandid Kelli

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 7: 4 Books"

1 - Harry Potter Series 

2 - Twilight Saga

3 - Blue Bistro

4 - Nantucket Nights

Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot. 

xo-Kandid Kelli 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 6: 5 foods"

1 - Nectarines. 

2 - English Muffin Pizzas.

3 - Grilled Chicken.

4 - Chocolate Soft Serve w.Rainbow Sprinkles.

5 - Ranch/Cheese Chicken

Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot. 

xo-Kandid Kelli 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 5: 6 places"

1 - Home. 

2 - The Park.

3 - Publix.

4 - The Mall.

5 - The Salon.

6 - The Office.

Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot. 

xo-Kandid Kelli 

Monday, October 3, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 4: 7 wants"

1 - To get my life back.

2 - To be a better person.

3 - To make him happy.

4 - To re-form/ strengthen my relationship w.the Lord. 

5 -  To be done with school, already, roughly 20 more days.

6 - Longer Hair.

7 - Go back to Hawaii with my family.

Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot. 

xo-Kandid Kelli 

Friday, September 30, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 3: 8 fears"

1 - No being good enough.

2- Spiders.

Thats all I've got b/c I am currently living my biggest fear. 


Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot.
xo-Kandid Kelli

"Friday Phone Dump"

*Keep in mind that I have over 1,000 pics on my phone and I just quickly picked some of my favorites.

This weeks featured pictures are more recent... July 2010- Feb 2011
-I still can not believe how long her hair was...
-Shes gunna be an architect. The End.
-She loves the camera and it LOVES her.

-Next week we will be moving right along... ahh the memories!
See ya then!

**Whats on YOUR phone?


Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot.
xo-Kandid Kelli

Thursday, September 29, 2011

"10 Day Challenge; Day 2: 9 Loves"

1 - My daughter/ Family

2 - Friends

3 - Watching my daughter play/ imagine

4 - Digital Scrapbooking

5 - Fall 

6 - Nail Polish

7 - Diet Soda from a fountain

8 - Men who love children (ie: T)

9- Music/ iTunes


Keep up in between posts, I tweet A lot.
xo-Kandid Kelli